Policy Statement

My priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in my care at all times. It is my legal duty to protect them.

Abuse can take many forms, and can be classed as physical, emotional, sexual or neglect.

I have attended training courses such as local authority Safeguarding Children and Paediatric First Aid to help me recognise the signs and symptoms of abuse.

The safety of all children in my care is paramount and therefore I keep up to date with child protection issues and legislation by attending ongoing training courses and reading relevant literature. I have read and regularly receive updates on the local Safeguarding Children procedures.

I have due regard to the Prevent Duty 2015, which can be found at: I actively promote the British Values (detailed in my Equality policy) to help prevent radicalisation.

I follow the welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). These are legal requirements for a childminder and it is an offence not to comply.

The requirements set out by the EYFS are as follows (in short form - please refer to The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements in the Statutory Framework for EYFS for full details):

Providers must be alert to any issues for concern in the child's life at home or elsewhere and have a Safeguarding policy in place

A practitioner must be designated to take lead responsibility for safeguarding the children in every childcare setting. This practitioner must attend a child protection training course

Providers must train all staff to understand the safeguarding policy and procedures

Providers must have regard to the Government's statutory guidance 'Working Together to Safeguard Children'

Registered providers must inform Ofsted of any allegations of abuse or harm and of any action taken as soon as possible, but in all cases within 14 days


If a child in my care tells me that they or another child is being abused I will:

Listen carefully and show that I am taking their allegations seriously

Encourage the child to talk, but not ask leading questions

Explain to them what will happen next in a way in which they can understand

Record the conversation in the child’s words and note the time

Sign and date this record

If I have concerns about a child being drawn into terrorism, I will follow the governments guidance and procedures which can be found here:

If I am worried that a child is being abused, I will follow these procedures set out by the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB):

Contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 01273 290400 or

If I still have concerns I will contact Children’s Services on Tel: 0300 200 1006 which may break confidentiality. I am legally obliged to inform Ofsted within 14 days of any allegations or actions taken, including any allegations against me. If any allegation is made against me, I will also report it to social services following Safeguarding Children Board procedures and contact the local team for advice

If a case conference is set up, I may be invited to attend. If this is the case, then I must make sure that any information I give is accurate, factual and can be backed up with evidence

If a child arrives at the setting with any injuries I will record them in the log book and discuss with parents. If they sustain any injuries whilst in my care I will also record these, inform the parents and ask them to sign the log

The only adults in my setting are myself and my partner Simon who is expected to be away from the premises during childcare hours. We both hold current DBS certificates which can be viewed in my policies folder. A child will never be left alone with other adults without my supervision, except for in an emergency where I may have to call my emergency backup (please see Accident, Illness & Emergency policy) I will ensure the safety of children in my care at all times.

All photographs taken on my mobile phone are transferred to a secure website journal 'Tinybeans' that day and deleted from my phone. I have permissions from children' parents to take and store photographs in this way.

Useful contacts and information

Local Authority Safeguarding Procedures:



Children's Services: 0300 200 1006

Children's Services emergency out of hours number: 01273 335905/6

NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

National Childminding Association: 0845 880 0044

Local Police: 101

Advice, Contact and Assessment Service (ACAS): 01273 295920

If a complaint is made against me I will contact my local authority designated officer Darrel Clews on 01273295643 or 07795335879