Policy Statement

Parents and primary carers, such as grandparents or childminders in this instance, are the most influential people in a child's life. It is from them that children will learn about culture, religious beliefs, safety, health and general well-being. They are a child's first teachers and can powerfully influence a child's attitudes and development.

In 2008 the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) set out clear guidelines for partnerships between parents and professionals working with children. For more information, please refer to these guidelines.

From our initial meeting onwards, I would like to learn about your routines and wishes for your child at home, so that I may respect these and work closely with you to follow them within my own setting. I encourage you to discuss with me any cultural or religious routines or wishes that you would like to be included. It is important for me to learn and discuss these routines and wishes with both parents and children, so that we may set boundaries and expectations together.


I will keep you up-to-date on any relevant developmental milestones that your child has reached whilst in my home, and I am happy to inform you of what we have been doing on a daily basis

We will discuss your preferred methods and regularity of communication, so that I am not bombarding you with non-relevant information or taking up too much of yours and your child's valuable time together

I will keep a 'loose' schedule for the week, but this may change dependant on the weather or what we are all feeling like on any particular day!

With your written consent, I would like to take photographs of your child taking part in activities and share these with you

I am aware that you as a parent will have chosen your preferred methods, practices and routines depending on your beliefs, culture, traditions and lifestyle. I am very happy to try and accommodate all of your needs, but may ask you to understand the need for compromise or negotiation where other children's needs are to be considered also

Every child is unique and different from any other child. They have their own little personalities, likes, dislikes and abilities. I follow an entirely inclusive approach to childcare, meaning that each child has the same opportunities, but they may need to follow different procedures to get to the end result. The result that I aim for is that all children leave my home having felt safe, secure and happy whilst in my care. In order to reach this result, I am in constant discussion with the children to establish their needs, wants and desires. One of my house rules is 'We understand that everyone is different and we always include everyone in all games and activities'. By following this rule, I am ensuring that all children are made to feel welcome, equal and valued by all others in the environment

I am very open to new ideas and ways of doing things, so please feel free to discuss any matters of concern or ideas that you feel are important to you and your child